“I’ll just 3D print it”
The Adrah Labs Story
Hi, I’m Adam, and welcome to Adrah Labs!
My wife Sarah and I started this journey as a personal 3d printing hobby, to enrich our existing passions of tabletop wargames, role-play games, and miniature painting in general. As word spread of what we were creating for our own collection, it became clear that there was a need for our newfound capabilities within our hobby community.
In particular- we’ve had a love for the game Warmaster for many years (I was there for the game’s release many years ago), and had to persevere with a small player base, and overpriced OOP vintage Ebay listings for a long time. Imagine our excitement when we found that digital creators were making some of the most beautiful 10mm fantasy sculpts that we could 3d print, suddenly we had armies on tap!
To share this amazing game with new players, it was important to create a local supplier for these miniatures in Australia and New Zealand, as not everyone has the wherewithal to print for themselves. So here we are…
I’ve been part of the wargaming community in Geelong for over 20 years. I have been involved with everything from Warhammer 40K, Warhammer 30K, Warmachine, Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, Age of Sigmar, Kings of War and Warmaster. I’ve even run painting competitions and created and still run the Geelong Heresy with a fabulous team. You can check out some of my hobby projects below.
Sarah had not heard of wargaming before we met, but is now very involved in the hobby! We are a creative household. Even though it is tricky to find time to hobby while managing 2 small kids, she has been focusing on handicrafts such as crochet and sewing. She is a fantastic miniature painter for the amount of experience she has and has even won some local painting competitions. She is also absorbing herself in the 3D printing tools of the trade such as Blender.
We hope you enjoy looking around, and maybe finding something you like. If not, get in touch with your own files and we can help you make them physical miniatures. Happy gaming and painting to you all :)
Adam’s Hobby Projects